Why you need Ditty app in your life!

I have seen first hand how powerful music can be in helping children remember facts. For a number of years, our school has used the Number Fun Songs by Dave Godfrey to help children remember important maths facts.  I have previously blogged some ideas for using these in class here.

Last night @Raff31 introduced me to a new app - Ditty. His colleague @lowndees89 was first to share an example and I was quick to download and get playing with it.

It is very simple to use - type a message of 50 characters and choose your tune or jingle and watch the text be transformed and sang to the melody.

This gives the teacher the ability to turn any short fact or instruction into a catchy song which is sure to grab the attention of the children in your class.

There are so many ways in which you can use this app and some of the great people on twitter have already shared plenty!

So plenty of uses for Maths, English and behaviour! Here are a few that I have created -

Thank you to everyone on twitter who shared some examples! Also, check out The Numeracy Shed for some more.

If you use this app make sure you share your examples by tweeting me - @ICT_MrP or posting it on my facebook page - facebook.com/ictwithmrp


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